Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 107: March 27, 2009

We learn fairly quickly in life that nothing comes without a price. Nothing is free. And even when some really great things come along, it is never without a sacrifice.

Tom got promoted. He's now the squad leader in charge of two seperate shops I believe. He's wanted this for awhile, and I know he's going to be great at it. Excitingly for him, he is now being moved to days so he gets sunlight again. I know lately that the fact that he rarely saw the sun was starting to get at him, so this is a very good thing for him. For him. For us? Not so much. Him moving to days is nothing much a huge problem for us. Because of the huge time difference, the fact that he worked nights before meant that he worked when I was at school, and then we would both be sleeping at the same time. We would talk for about two and a half hours after he would get off work and before he went to bed. Now? Hell, I still don't know when we are going to be talking. He called me yesterday morning to let me know about the change, but since then I have not talked to him. I don't know when I will talk to him next. He should be coming home from work soon, but right when he gets back I'm going to have to go to school. My schedule during the days are a bit chaotic. Nothing is set in stone, I'm constantly going in at different times for various different reasons like if I have to tutor some students, go in to use the computer lab, do some prep work for my labs, or work with my group on a project. It is extremely difficult to factor in talking to him during my day. Its just gonna be hard, I know it.

I am happy for him. I know this is everything he has wanted. But I can't help but seeing the huge price it is going to cost for our relationship.

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