Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 38: Saturday, January 17, 2009

Seriously, its only been 38 days? It feels like three years.

I'm back in Murfreesboro and it feels like I never left. Was driving down my street and saw a building that was not there when I left and thought, "When the heck did they build that?" Oh yea, when I was gone for a month.

The semester has already started and I'm both excited and slightly disappointed about the upcoming months. My classes seem interesting, though challenging. I got my job assignment this week and it was not what I was expecting, and thats what I am disappointed about. I really wanted to do what I did last semester, run the labs for the graduate statistics class. I know almost everyone in those labs now, and I'm comfortable working with them. Plus I know what to expect with them. Instead I'm running labs for a basic stat undergrad course. I have a feeling its not going to be good. Theres such a difference in the mentality of an undergrad and a graduate student, not to mention undergrads hate basic stats more than anything it seems. And I honestly don't know how well I'm going to be able to teach this stuff. I understand it all because its been engrained into me for years I dont even have to think about the whys and hows of it, I just do it; I don't know how well I'm going to be able to explain it all to someone who has absolutely no knowledge of the concepts.

I'm trying to stay busy. I've signed up for a couple various things to keep me active during my down time. Not to mention, I have Wii Fit now, and i've been using that thing constantly. Its fun. Its working out, but its fun working out. Its good though, because if I didn't enjoy it than I wouldn't keep doing it. I would get sick and tired of it and I would just quit. I've never been very atheletic, so the whole working out on its own really has no appeal to me. In fact, I pretty much loath it.

I've been trying to get a lot of the wedding planning done. It's hard to do by myself though. I know a lot of times that the bride just takes over compeletely and the groom generally has no say, but Tom and I aren't really like that. I know he probably doesn't care much, but I still like to make decisions like this with him. I know once I get through the majority of this the rest is going to be cake, but I imagine in the next few months it will be a bit hectic trying to finalize all the travel plans and arrangements. (if you didn't know, we're getting married on a cruise!) I wish I could just send all my invitations online, lol. It would be so much easier and cheaper! There are way too many "wedding rules".

Tom told me some interesting news the other night. Its been only a little over a month, and some of his guys are already finding out that their wives are cheating on them. It's truly disgusting. I mean, seriously? What kind of person does that? I just can't fathom it. I know it happens, obviously, thats what I'm researching all about for my thesis, but it still baffles my brain to hear of it. I shouldn't be so surprised but I am. The worst part is, is that some of these guys were completely expecting it, it hardly even fazed them. Why even marry a person if you don't love them enough to stay faithful to them? Can you seriously have that little self control over yourself? Can you seriously have that little respect for you husband who is fighting over seas for your country? It angers me and it sickens me that these women are like that. But what can you do, ya know? All I can do is make sure I'm never like any of them. And I won't be.

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