Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 53: Sunday, Feb 1, 2009

Originally Tom had signed up for his R&R for July but was denied that month. R&R is their one time leave that they get from overseas to come home for two weeks. They still take it out of their total leave days (which personally, I think is bullshit because if they were home they would be having weekends off, but whatever, I'm not in charge of the army, I dont make the rules). Anyway, his request for leave in July was denied and they put him for April. I was extremely disappointed about this. April is a terrible month for him to come home. 1) end of semester, theres always a ton of stuff to do 2) its only 5 months into the deployment. I wanted his R&R to be at least halfway through, so then the second half would go by really quick.

Well, over the last couple months having him not here, I was getting excited that I was only going to have to wait a few more months to see him again. Yea, the second half was going to drag and be really long, but all I care about is the next time I'm going to see him.

So after finally accepting this April leave, what happens? Of course, the Army changes it. Because you can never count on anything in the army accept that they are going to change something. I should have known. Now they've moved his leave from April back to July. Which is now both a good thing and a bad thing. In the long run I know its much much better and will make the time fly. Plus it will be the summer so Tom will get to send his daughter here as well to see her. I'll most likely only have my internship stuff, so that wont be too much obligation in comparison to what I have this semester. But July... its five and a half months away, and I've already gone 53 days without him. It just feels like an eternity. Its only February. Last year feb to july was like an eternity. Granted, my life took a complete 180 in those months, but still.

*sigh* The super bowl is today. Last year, I sat at home by myself and watched it. Tom was in Virginia for training and this was when we were living in Pleasant View so I didn't have any friends that lived close by. Very uneventful. And once again, Tom is not here for the superbowl, at least this time I have plans, so I'm not a complete loser. lol, one year can slide, but two years by yourself is pretty pathetic. lol

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